Monday, January 17, 2011

My daughters

All I ever wanted was boys. I got girls instead. I honestly wouldn't want it any other way. I wonder what it would be like to have a boy but even if I was to have another girl one day I would be tickled.

Daughter #1 came when I was just 21. She's 8 now. We knew before we left the hospital that she was a drama queen. She's held true to that to this day! She's so emotional. Life is either grand or just awful. She's got a strong conscience and is easy to discipline. She's got a very tender and compassionate heart and loves to be around people. She's very social. She went to public school until 2nd grade.
The social aspect of her spills over into how I have to school her. We started off the year at a desk in her daddy's small den. She hated being alone and constantly complained about schooling. So I moved her to the dining room table. What a difference! She had a better attitude and was more compliant about school work. We now do everything at the kitchen bar.

Daughter #2 came when I was 25. She's 4 now.  It took a year to conceive her so I was so happy to have another. She's mischievious and head strong! She's shy around people she doesn't know well. She was the one to hide behind my legs. She's petite but has quite the personality to make up for her size. Dynamite comes in small packages. She keeps us all on our toes around here. Fortunately, she gets sweeter and sweeter the farther behind we leave 2 years old. For now, schooling her has been easy. She catches on quick and likes to sit in on big sister's lessons most days.

Daughter #3 came when I was 28. She had her 1st birthday last October. Like #1, she's social. She loves to be the center of attention and make everyone laugh. She's such a ham! She can be a bit dramatic (and loud!) and oh-so-sweet. I would tag her as a sanguine for sure. Oh, and she LOVES to eat. She can't stand for us to school. I guess she knows the attention is not on her. I've learned to pull a chair up to the bar and let her stand in it so she can be a part of the school day too. Or give her lots of snacks to keep her quiet!

I truly look forward to the next years of homeschool.

And just for the heck of it, here's the women who started it all. This my mother and me.

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